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The company held "two learning and one doing" learning education mobilization meeting

2016/07/06 08:34
  The company held "two learning and one doing" learning education mobilization meeting
  On May 23rd, the party committee of the company held the "learn party rules and regulations, learn a series of speeches, be a qualified party member" in the conference room on the second floor to learn education work mobilization meeting. Party committee members, company leaders, discipline inspection committee members and branch secretaries of the company attended the meeting.
  The meeting conveyed the spirit of "two learning and one doing" learning education work mobilization meeting of light textile group, and learned that the party committee of the company carried out "two learning and one doing" learning education work plan and supervision work plan. Company party committee according to the stipulations of the "two learn how to make a" content, 62 party members for the company with the communist party of China "and" xi jinping, general secretary of the series of important speech on (2016), as the party branch with the honest self-discipline rules of the communist party of China, the regulation on disciplinary action of the communist party of China and the communist party of China party member rights ordinance.
  "Two learn one do" learning education is not an activity, but highlight the normal education, the party's ideological and political construction in the daily, strict in the often. Carry out "two learning and one doing" learning education, basic learning, the key is to do. "Learn" to learn with the problem, "do" to change the problem. To carry out the "two learning and one doing" learning education, all party members should firmly adhere to the ideals and beliefs of the communist party, firmly establish the party consciousness, party member consciousness, strengthen the party's purpose consciousness, actively practice the socialist core values, and make achievements in promoting the reform, development and stability of the company. Meeting requirements of each branch company "two" learn how to make a careful study learning education work plan and supervise the work of science organization, reasonable arrangement, combined with the problems with post actual party members, the action in accordance with the relevant provisions, solid organization of party members to carry out the "two", against the party member standard, to carry out the "a", make party members themselves consciously exalt the party constitution, abide by the rules, consciously with general secretary xi series important speech spirit armed mind, to guide practice and promote work, do about politics, have faith, speak rules, have discipline, morality and character, devotion, as a qualified party members.